We spent Friday getting ready to head to Momma's house. We had decided that we were going to leave straight from school and come home sometime on Sunday. I don't remember what we had run to walmart for, but as we were getting ready to check out, it hit me...Sunday was Mother's day. In all the keeping busy, healing, moving on, whatever...I guess I had blocked the day in my mind and hadn't really planned to celebrate this year. But we were going to be with Momma and Grandmutter, so I thought that was the best way for me.
We got in on Friday and went to Brickoven for dinner. JJ was wide open. He was flirting with our waitress and everything. Hubs, Momma, and I were cracking up laughing at him. We spent a while just talking while we were eating our dinner...it was nice to visit and not be rushed or anything.
We had decided to take JJ to slow rollers at Round-A-Bout skating rink on Saturday. You have never seen anyone so excited. JJ woke up early on Saturday and was ready to go. It was only 7am!!! We finally got some breakfast in him, got him showered and dressed, and FINALLY...it was time to go. Hubs and I were taking him, and Momma and Grandmutter were going to meet us for a late lunch.
Hubs and I get JJ in his skates, and he stands up. As soon as he tries to move, he is all over the place. Now, I haven't roller skated on a boot skate since probably 8th grade. I haven't roller bladed since my first year of college, well over 10 years ago. I was nervous about trying to skate and keep JJ from falling down. Hubs and I helped him get a quarter of the way around the rink before he was ready to go sit down...and try skating on the carpet. Hubs kept skating while JJ and I skated on the carpet. I ended up taking my skates off because I couldn't balance myself AND keep JJ balanced. I was able to go around with him twice on the rink. It took forever, LOL. We kept having to stop for him to rest. Poor baby was wore out from just trying to stand up!!! We ended up leaving earlier than we had planned because JJ was ready to go. For his first time skating though, I was proud that he tried for at least an hour before wanting to take his skates off. He did tell me that he wanted to try again sometime, just not that day. We met Momma and Grandmutter for lunch at the Hibachi Grill. JJ was pooped. Hubs and I were pretty wore out as well. My arms were sore from holding JJ up. After lunch, we headed back to Grandmutter's to visit for a while, then headed back to Momma's.
On Sunday, Momma had decided to take Grandmutter to breakfast at Golden Corral, so off we went :) We had a nice time visiting together, then we were back at Momma's house. I don't know why, but we ended up around the pool and noticed that there were frog eggs all over the place. You may remember my facebook postings about JJ and the tadpoles. JJ decided he wanted to try to raise the frogs all the way from birth. He had just read one of his library books about the life cycle of the frogs, and he kept saying "look at all the frog spawn!!!" So of course, I ask Momma for a bucket so we can try to grow some frogs....and she gets me one. We scoop up several clusters of eggs and get a lid (with holes) on the bucket.
Sadly, the eggs did not survive the drive home, but we kept a bucket of water by our front door for several days so that JJ could make sure that the tadpoles were not going to hatch. When he realized we were just growing mosquitoes, he let me dump the water out.
JJ had a present for me when we got home...he had planted something for me at school. He hands it to me in a Mason jar and says "Happy Mother's Day! It's a sunflower!" So I'm looking at the plant thinking "this is NOT a sunflower" when JJ says "Or maybe it's a carrot! I don't know what it is!" And I just couldn't stop laughing. I still don't know what type of plant is growing, but there are 2 of them. One is a leafy plant that has little white fuzz on the leaves, and the other are flowers that haven't matured yet, so I don't know what type of flowers they are going to be.
Even though it wasn't on the top of my list of favorite holidays this year, I survived Mother's day. I was able to spend the day with Momma and Grandmutter, Hubs, and JJ...and JJ as always, kept me smiling.
I was sore from the roller skating (that I didn't really do, LOL), and I now have my roller blades at home
with me. My new goal is to rebuild my confidence so that I can use my roller blades again and to help JJ learn how to skate! Coming up: First day alone and karate test!