Saturday, February 25, 2012

Memories light the corner of my mind

Misty water-colored memories
of the way we were.
Scattered pictures
of the smiles we left behind.
~Barbra Streisand, The Way We Were

     I thought I would share random memories and photos from December 2011.  Many of you remember my crazy dreams throughout the month of December.  I wanted to reshare them here, along with a picture that JJ drew of our "whole" family. 

JJ drew this picture on a napkin one night at Golden Corral.  We had finished eating and were just sitting around enjoying each other's company.  First is Daddy, complete with his hair and goatee.  Next is Mommy.  The circle represents the baby in my belly.  Last is JJ with his short hair.  I took a picture with my phone, and I believe I kept the actual picture as well. 

This is a picture of the stockings Momma had made for us.  I took this with my phone, so it's hard to see the baby stocking (it was made in a pastel varigated yarn).  But it is peeking out of the top of the blue stocking.
     For the dreams, I am going to copy directly from my Facebook status updates.

December 13: 
Went to bed early last night and had the BEST sleep...even if it was riddled with strange shaggy calf followed me around calling me Momma...and she had blue spit...and my Grandmother Hood was helping me take care of the calf...and then I asked Grandmother Hood if she still had a building full of fish, and she looked at me and said "You know, I haven't been in that building in so long.  But the fish don't get in to anything.  I try to remember to go in and feed them, but some days, they just don't get fed."

December 15:
Will the crazy dreams never cease? Yesterday, I dreamed that Edward Cullen, our friendly neighborhood vampire, was helping me to adopt a little girl. Last night, I dreamed JJ had like 4 fishtanks, and we find out one of the a floating fish. Not dead, belly up floating...Floating as in...every time I went to check/feed the fish, it was HOVERING above the tank, and I had to gently push it back in the water.

December 16: you ready for last night's dream? Hubs was a vampire...and we were on a schoolbus traveling through St. Louis, right through a tornado break out...There were tornadoes EVERYWHERE, but the driver just kept on driving...I was crying, and finally the driver pulled over and told us all to take cover. Hubs, with his magnificent vampire speed and strength, got us to safety and made sure nothing fell on me. Then my alarm went off and I shot up out of bed.

December 17:
So...last night's dream...I was eating at Wendy's with my boys (nothing crazy)...and this sketchy old man sits down at our table and decides to eat his meal with us. He kept saying strange things like "Change is inevitable." and "The change is coming!" And he was looking at JJ...and JJ started to get all twitchy, like he was nervous or something. I looked over at the man to tell him it was time for him to go, but he had already gone. I looked back at JJ to tell him it was okay, that the man had left, but JJ wasn't there anymore. Instead, I was staring at this deck of playing cards. Then before my eyes, it morphed back into JJ. JJ was all pumped and spent the next few minutes going back and forth between a deck of cards and a little boy. I guess if he had to change, at least it was something I could pick up and put in my purse, right???

December 18:
For all the followers of my recent dream escapades....last night was blank. Absolutely nothing happened. No dreams. Le Sigh. I wonder if this means the craziness has come to an end?

December 19:
No crazy dreams last night. I only remember a single part of a dream, and it's not crazy at all. My cousin's sweet daughter, Kenzie was an angel in a Living Nativity. But I remember nothing else about the dream.

December 20:
And the dreams are back! Last night again had our friendly neighborhood vampires, the Cullen family. Apparently, Edward and Jasper were having issues with each other, and I was the only one that could stop them from fighting. I had this magic ring that influenced people around me. Sadly, I didn't realize that what I was doing was because of a magic ring until the dream was almost over.

December 21:
So this morning I didn't get a chance to share my dream before we headed off for our whirlwind of shopping :) I drove to Mama Boyd's house, just to say hi...and Amy Ray Boyd and Mike Boyd were visiting. Amy gave me chocolate and asked if I was ok. Then it was time for me to go, but Mike wouldn't let me back my car out by myself. I woke up laughing, thinking he probably remembers the time I got my Sunfire stuck in the ditch in front of his parent's house :)

December 22:
So apparently I have the sweet Boyd family on my mind. Last night I dreamed about Amy again. She kept talking about how much pain she was in, and it worried me. I kept asking her if she had this much pain when she was pregnant with Claire, and she just kept saying "I don't know, but I am in pain." Amy Ray Boyd I hope you are NOT in any pain, and I hope the morning sickness passes quickly! Love ya'll ♥

December 24:
Ok. I didn't post yesterday's dream because I spent most of the day trying to figure it out, LOL. My friend Larry Parker and his son Rowan were on a bike chasing me through a maze that was in church. It was a HUGE maze, and I can't figure out why they were chasing me or why the maze was in the church. But I kept running from them, and I cut through the maze, and they had to go around. When I got to the other side, there was some sort of craft fair, and my mom Cindy Leggett had this huge jewelry booth set up. I was all confused and said "Momma, what are you doing here?" Her response "What does it look like? I'm selling jewelry."

Last night...I had TWO dreams, LOL...My first dream was prior to 0530. I dreamed that Hubs and I were in the Amazon (I don't know why.) He was following this map to where ever we were going. He jumps into the Amazon river and starts swimming, and I follow. I'm freaking out because I think something is going to get me in the water. We swim for a long time, finally cross the river, and swim a bit longer before we get out. I yell at Hubs for taking me into killer animal infested waters and told him that we were lucky that nothing got us. So he turns to our luggage (that just appeared on the other side because we sure were NOT swimming with it) and starts pulling out jumbo legos and throwing them in the water. I asked what he was doing, and he responds "showing you how to rile the deadly animals." Then he cannonballs back into the river. This dream was definitely in color because there were red, blue, yellow, and green legos floating all around Hubs. But then JJ woke us up, so that dream ended.

 After JJ got back to bed, I had another dream (this one after 0530). I dreamed we were at Krispy Kreme, trying to order doughnuts, but every kind that I asked for, they told me they didn't make those kind. I finally asked for one assorted dozen, and I was going to get another dozen with specific flavors. I asked for 6 of the white cream filled chocolate covered ones, and she tried to tell me the Bavarian cream were better (the ones with the yellow custard inside). I told her I did NOT want the yellow custard, I wanted the white creme. Then I wanted 3 lemon filled doughnuts, and she told me that it wasn't a popular flavor, so they stopped making those kind. So then I asked for 6 of the regular doughnuts with chocolate covering them, and she looked at me like I was crazy and said they did not make them like that. I started banging my head on the counter and kept saying "but you sold them last week!" Then the lady behind me in line started complaining that she was hungry and wished that I would hurry up and finish my order. So I told the cashier to just get me 6 jelly filled doughnuts. She had the boxes sitting there, and I paid and before I could pick up the boxes, the lady behind me pushed me out of the way and opened my box and started eating my doughnuts!!! Then JJ woke us up again and said "MOMMA. DADDY. It's Christmas Eve! I'm so EXCITED!"

     Those are all of the dreams I posted.  I hope that you enjoyed reading back over them as much as I did.

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing woman, mother, wife, person in general. XOXO
