Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Another Day Has Almost Come And Gone

Can't imagine what else could go wrong.
~Jo Dee Messina, Bring On The Rain

     I've been fighting a small headache today.  It could very well be a caffeine headache.  After months of no caffeine, I drank part of a diet coke on the way home Sunday.  Yesterday, after my tears, my head was hurting, but I assumed it was from crying and not drinking enough water throughout the day.  This morning I woke with a slight headache.  I decided to drink the rest of my diet coke and see if that helps. 
   I'm feeling anxious about my dr appointments tomorrow.  Part of me is worried that I won't be able to get on birth control (something Hubs and I both agreed we wanted to do); while we know that we are going to try again within a year, we are not looking to get pregnant again right away.
     The headache hasn't gotten any worse as the day progressed; at some points, it even seemed to be gone.  Right now, it seems to be gone, but bright lights aggravate the pain.  :sigh:  I don't want to be battling a headache tomorrow along with having two different dr appointments.
     The Biggest Loser is yanking at my heart strings right now.  I can't say that I wouldn't have reacted in the same way if my child had been born live and then passed away.  I am currently still losing weight.  I pray that I don't start packing on the pounds.  Again, I am completely aware that I am an emotional eater.
     This week is a Dr. Seuss spirit week at JJ's school.  Today was pajama day.  You have never seen a kid so excited that he got to wake up, take off the jammies he wore to bed, only to put on  a clean pair....then to get to wear those same jammies all day long and go straight to bed after his nighttime routine. 
     I still have pictures on my camera to load to the laptop.  I haven't forgotten;  I just haven't felt like putting forth the effort to load them.  I promise they WILL get loaded...I just can't say when. 
     Last night at Subway, JJ's friend (the Subway girl) was working.  She was so excited, as was JJ.  She always talks to him and writes him little notes on napkins.  The last time we had seen her was the week of that fateful ultrasound.  We'd had such a wonderful dinner, and JJ told her that I had an appointment to find out if he was having a brother or a sister.  She squealed!  So, last night is the first time we've seen her since everything happened.  We got our dinner, and as we were eating, she brought a note for JJ.  I read (most) of it outloud to him.  But she said "You still have to let me know if you are having a bro or a sis."  I just looked at Hubs.  I didn't read that part out to JJ.  Hubs said that he would bring her up to date with everything.  We waited until thing slowed down, and JJ and I went to the bathroom.  Hubs talked with her and let her know we were okay, but we felt she should be aware...It was the first time he's had to tell someone out in public. 
     We spent karate time in the car having a long talk.  The emotions are just coming at us from all sides.  Today didn't seem as emotional, but I was just wore out.  I kept yawning all day long (and I had slept in this morning!)
     Hopefully tomorrow I will be cleared to start exercising again.  At least so I can start walking around our loop.  It's 1.2 miles around.  I need to be able to do something;  I need the endorphins.  I don't like chocolate enough to just sit and stuff my face with it to get them that way.  I'm really ready for Jillian to scream at me some more.  She keeps my heart pumping. 
     We also learned today that opening the blinds behind the tv affects the Wii sensor.  Our remotes have been acting crazy the last few days.  JJ was trying to play Super Mario Galaxy, and he got so mad.  He was all "Daddy!  I'm NOT pointing the remote that way and LOOK!"  And Mario kept trying to jump off into space even though JJ was clearly trying to move in the opposite direction.  All is well now though-remotes are working correctly after we shut the blinds.
  I definitely don't think I am going to make it another hour to watch the end of Biggest Loser tonight.  Prayers please that the appointments tomorrow go well!


  1. Love you! Thoughts and prayers with you all!!

  2. Wait a minute... "don't like chocolate enough"... I do not understand this phrase... :) Good luck tomorrow! XOXO

  3. Tanya, thanks for sharing your experience with all of us. I hope and pray that you will be reminded of God's love, comfort, and strength through each moment of this difficult time and that things will start to improve physically, emotionally, and otherwise. We love you and I'm so thankful that you've got a loving son and a loving husband to walk through this with you.
