Boo. First off, I apologize once again that real life has gotten in the way. Every day I think "I really need to sit down and write on the blog" and then the day goes by and once again, I'm a little further behind. I last wrote on April 3, mad at JJ's dr. Well, on Tuesday he goes back to the dr, so we will see how his three weeks without milk and cheese has helped him (or not).
We finished the rest of that week with nothing extraordinary happening. I was still cleaning, going through boxes, shredding stuff, and throwing stuff out. JJ was out of school on April 6 (Good Friday), and it was a rainy day. We spent the day inside, hanging out, watching movies. Friday evening, I started feeling a bit achey, but I thought it was the weather, raw emotions, and having not done anything that day. Saturday, we woke up and decided to head to Golden Corral for breakfast. I was still semi-achey but had no fever. We got home, and I progressively felt worse. I put back on my pajamas and a sweatshirt, and pretty much vegged out the rest of the morning. Hubs and JJ decided to go outside to work on JJ riding his bike. He had only worked once before with Hubs and Grammie, and JJ still wasn't sure he wanted to be riding without training wheels at this point (I think it was in December.) Well, Saturday, April 7th, JJ was ready. They weren't outside very long at all before Hubs hollered for me to come out. So, I walk out as fast as my achey body will let me. And there is JJ riding around and around in our circle. He still needed help getting started, but even the few minutes while I was out there, JJ "got it" and started by himself as well. It totally helped that he was a bit too tall for the bike and could just put his feet down if he felt unsure at all. It helped give him the confidence because he wasn't falling over in the beginning. He and Daddy rode their bikes up and down the street most of the day.
I started running a fever and was pretty useless for anything. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought I was getting the flu, but I had gotten my flu shot in January. But I definitely had aches, fever, chills, hot flashes...and plain just being miserable. I was trying to drink lots of cold water to regulate my temperature because I just didn't know what I could take for a fever with my high blood pressure and the medication I am taking. I got through the weekend feeling awful. I tried to stay away from the boys because I wanted to get over my sickness and keep them from feeling as bad as I was feeling. My temp got as high as 102.4...I finally called Momma and asked her what I could take to help the fever. She told me the name of the medicine, and Monday morning, we all packed up and headed to walmart to find the medicine that I needed plus get cough drops. I couldn't find the medication I was looking for, so I went up to the pharmacy and noticed that it was behind the counter. I bought the medicine for flu and cold because it helped with aches, headaches, and fever. I kept taking the meds in the morning and in the evening. I believe it was Tuesday evening, I finally broke the fever. It was gross. I was all hot and sweaty, but my fever was only 99. I kept drinking the fluids and taking the meds. By Thursday, my temp was normal, but Hubs was now sick. I still had this awful cough; my chest hurt, my throat was awful. Hubs and I pretty much grunted and groaned at each other all week. Thank goodness we knew what the other was trying to say. JJ was so confused.
I hated that we were sick all Spring Break. Thankfully, JJ never got sick. And he was able to go out and ride his bike on his own. Because Hubs and I were good for nothing parents.
So, between cleaning the week before and then being sick all spring break, I just stayed away from the blog. I didn't feel up to sitting in front of the laptop for any extended amount of time.
The end of spring break, Hubs and I received some news. It was good news, but the timing for us to receive this news wasn't good. It upset us both, and our emotions are raw anyway, so we have spent some time trying to not be so raw about the news. It's not our news to share, so I won't share :) (in other words, don't ask, LOL.) So, in dealing with my raw emotions, I took another week away from writing. I was afraid I would write something and feelings would get hurt, and I was truly of the mindset "Who cares if feelings are hurt? This is MY blog, and it's how I deal with stuff." It doesn't mean that I don't WANT to be happy for the news. But you just have to understand. You have to.
Hubs and I didn't get to make the trip over spring break, which turned out to be a blessing since we were both so sick. But in not making the trip, we were unable to see his family and have time to grieve with his parents. We had wanted to make the trip and have the time to properly grieve because I don't think everyone will be "over" the grieving part until this can be done. We had the chance to grieve with my Momma and Grandmutter and JJ because they were here the day we got the news. Then my parents came back up the next day. Hubs has talked to his parents over the phone, but a phone call isn't the same. Sometimes you just need to feel your Momma's arms around you and have a good cry. I am fully aware of this. We didn't want the first time we saw his parents to be the weekend that his brother gets married. I wanted that weekend to be a happy weekend. Even if it would be hard to put on a happy face, everyone deserves their own special day to be all about them. We are hoping to get to town early on Friday and send the kids to play so that we can have a few moments with his parents to grieve. We want to be able to spend the rest of the weekend surrounded in the happiness and love of adding a new Aleman to the family.
We got 2 more boxes off to goodwill this week. I have one more box almost full. We've moved JJ's bed back to his original room. We weren't able to make the trip to get the bed from SC. We bought a new vacuum cleaner the week before spring break, and during spring break, we vacuumed the living room. It was nasty. Hubs vacuums once a week, and the amount of stuff that our old cleaner wasn't picking up was just plain gross. Just from the living room, he had to empty the catch twice. Then he did the furniture and had to empty all of the cat hair. I am hoping we continue to notice a difference in JJ's breathing now that we have a vacuum that is REALLY picking up the dust and cat hair. We did JJ's room today, and again, gross. I wish we didn't have carpet. It would be so much easier to keep the dust and cat hair under control. One day...
Hubs finally did hear from the job. He had to get a physical and a shot, and then had to wait for an appointment for a psych evaluation. Hoping that all goes well with that on Tuesday, he should hear back with a start date. Please pray that the results come back quickly so that he can start work soon.
I am still cleaning. :sigh: Not sure it will ever be done. But I feel good about what we've accomplished. We haven't done our Friday pizza/movie night in a few weeks because of sickness and being out of town. Today we are having our pizza and movie night. We will be watching New Moon. Girls, I know you are jealous that you don't have boys as awesome as I have. :)
Plus, when I am sick, they take such good care of me. Monday, I had an appointment to check my platelet count. They were up to 112k from 53k the previous visit!! I was very happy, as was Donald the lab guy. I saw the dr on Wednesday morning, and she was all "your counts are finally over 100...still not great, but better than they have been." Well, boo to your Ms. Blood dr. Donald and I were VERY happy with my numbers! So there. But on Wednesday afternoon, around the time that Hubs went to pick up JJ, I could feel a headache coming on. I got off of the computer, stayed away from the kindle, and tried to head the pain off before it became unbearable. (I am no stranger to migraines which I have unfortunately had since my pregnancy with JJ.) The migraine came on pretty quickly along with the getting sick because it was so bad. I was pretty much bedridden the rest of the afternoon except for running to the bathroom. I kept trying to come back to the living room to be with my boys, but I would run right back to the bathroom. Awful. I truly thought I might be dying. So, I prayed that I would feel better and no longer be in pain. and that I would be alive. I felt the need to add in that last part because you never know when God will give you exactly what you ask for but not what you were expecting. I sent the boys to dinner, and I went to sleep. The next think I knew, JJ was giving me hugs and kisses good night. I had been asleep from about 4:30 to 8:00pm. He brushed his teeth and then gave me more hugs and kisses because "Your head is broken, Momma and you have a migraine. I know you don't feel good, so I gave you extra hugs and kisses so that you will feel better!" And he proceeded to kiss me all over my face. I love my kid. Off to bed he went. I checked my alarm; it was set for 0645, and I went back to sleep. I ended up waking up about 1am, but really are you surprised? I had been sleeping since 4:30 in the afternoon!! I felt so much better, but boy was I thirsty. So, what do I do? I drink my diet mountain dew sitting on my dresser that I had poured earlier to try to keep the headache away. Because I thought it might be from not having any caffeine that day. I drank the whole glass. Then I drank a bottle of water and tried to go back to sleep. Nope. I tossed and turned until sometime after 4. And I lay there thinking "Why did I drink that mountain dew? I KNEW better than that!" Next thing I knew, I was waking up because Hubs alarm was going off. My alarm never went off. I sat up looking at my phone, feeling delirious. I was SURE that I had checked it and that it was set. I even pulled the alarm back up and it showed that 0645 was the time it would go off. At least I knew I wasn't completely crazy. Hubs got JJ ready for school, and I finally got out of bed. Hubs got us breakfast on the way home from taking JJ to school. I was so hungry! I lost 3 pounds the day before. I mean, I know I need to lose more weight, but that is NOT how I want to lose it! Later, I mentioned to Hubs about my alarm, and how I thought I was going crazy, and he told me he had turned it off before he went to bed. He wanted me to have a chance to sleep in, and he had planned to get up with JJ and get him showered, dressed, and ready for school. Have I mentioned I love my boys? They might make me think I am going crazy sometimes, but they always have the best of intentions :)
We had gotten a note home before spring break that awards day would be April 20th (today). JJ came home from school one day the week before his break, all excited because #1. his teacher told him he was above his AR goal and #2. his teacher told him that he had raised the most money in his class for the jump rope for heart, and he would be receiving an award and a gold medal. It's all he kept talking about. How he would get an AR (accelerated reading) award this awards day because he was above his goal (and he was...he was 174% of his goal for last nine weeks) and he would get to go to the AR party....and he would get an award and a medal for his jump rope for heart stuff. This week, we kept waiting to get a note letting us know what time the awards were being held, and we never received anything. But JJ kept talking about how he was getting an award because "Mrs. M told me." So this morning I went in to the office to ask, and it was at 8:30. I went back to the car to get Hubs, we signed in, and off we went to the cultural arts center. I told Hubs that JJ should be getting 2 awards, possibly only one because the prizes may not have come in yet for the jump rope....but that he had DEFINITELY reached the goal for the AR award. No. JJ didn't receive a single award. At least now we know why we were never told a time. Only the parents who have a child receiving an award are told what time to be there. But why would you make it a point to tell my child that he is ABOVE his goal if he is not going to receive the award. Now, I could care less about the piece of paper. I KNOW I have an awesome kid, and I know how well he is reading. But my awesome kid? That piece of paper means a lot to him. He wanted that affirmation that he was doing a good job with his reading, that he had met his goal, and he wanted his friends to know how well he was doing. I just wish the teacher wouldn't preach to the kids about reaching the goal and getting an award on awards day...because even if there was a won't mean as much to JJ because he didn't get to go up in front of everyone and get the award. :sigh: End Rant.
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