Monday, May 14, 2012

Field Day, Pirates, and Full Moon

      The two weeks following the wedding were busy as usual.  That first week, Hubs and I were just plain wore out.  We are not as young as we used to be.  Staying up until after 1 for three nights in a row...and having to wake JJ up for school on Monday morning = exhausting.  We went to karate on Monday April 30.  This class and one more before his test on May 14th.  We are excited about karate.  We finally got to visit with JJ's friend at Subway.  We had been missing each other the last few Mondays.  We went to bed fairly early for us.  I think Hubs and I were in bed by 9:30pm.
     Tuesday, I napped on and off most of the day.  I was worried I would end up not sleeping because of how much I had slept.  We all went to bed early again. 
     Wednesday through Thursday, Hubs and I talked about a variety of things.  Behavior, grieving, adoption.  We talked about real estate, schooling, and jobs.  So much going on in our lives. 
     Friday, nasty weather was headed our way.  We were hoping it would pass quickly and we could see the moonrise because it was supposed to be the Super Moon.  No.  It was too nasty.  Then, when the rain stopped, it was too cloudy to even see the moon.  We were up late.  We went to bed after midnight, and when we turned the lights out, I could see the moon shining.  So I got back up and went out to look at the huge moon.  It was super bright, but it didn't look any bigger.  I was bummed yet again that I had missed the rise.
     Saturday, we had decided to take JJ to a Pirate Festival in the next town over.  We ate a big breakfast and then headed over.  Our (mine and Hubs) idea of a festival and what we actually went to...were not the same thing, LOL.  What we THOUGHT we were going to was something that had a ton of vendors, booths, games, and whatnot, all pirate themed.  What we went to was the Information center that had a band playing, a bounce house, a Liberty Tax booth, and a Marine Patrol Boat.  They had a balloon animal/face painting station.  And there was a group from Raleigh that did a "pirate" performance.  Overall, **I** was disappointed, but JJ had fun.  It got us out of the house for the day.  We arrived about 10:45 or so and left about 1:45pm.  We left there and went in search of something to eat for lunch.  We found a Michaelangelo's Pizza.  It was super yummy.  They had pizza slices bigger than JJ's head.  Hubs got a picture...I will have to post that later.     We got home, cooled off...I really can't tell you what filled those hours before dinner and movie time.  I probably played DrawSomething on the kindle fire.  (Have I mentioned how much I like that game??)  I really can't even tell you what we ate for dinner.  What I CAN tell you is that we watched Eclipse.  When it finished, JJ asked "When do we get the next movie so we can see Bella and Edward get married???"  He's such a Twilight junkie.  It makes me smile!  Saturday evening was full moon, and I was able to grab a picture.

     Sunday I know we were bums inside because it rained all day long. 
     Monday and Tuesday were a blur.  I only know that Monday was karate, and JJ's last class before he takes his yellow belt test!!!
     Wednesday was field day.  Such a fun day!!!  Hubs was able to go this year, and I think he may have been more excited than JJ about field day.  I only took pictures the first half of the day.  After lunch, it was drizzly, and they were doing water activities, so I left my camera in the car.

He is NOT the world's best hula-hooper.  He IS the world's cutest tryer :)

Concentrating really hard to get the beanbag all the way to Daddy

Rest time was their SECOND activity. 

Sharks and Minnows.  JJ was a minnow.

Parachute...I'm not exactly sure what he's doing here...but he was having fun.  That's all that matters, right?

FREEZE!  Doing the freeze dance during the dance station.  They also performed the Chicken Dance and the ChaCha slide.  :)

     After this, we broke for lunch.  Hubs and I headed to Subway.  While there, it started raining.  The sun came back out, we left,...and walked right into the rain.  We hadn't realized it was still raining, and I exclaim "Wow, the devil must be beatin' his wife today!"  Hubs looks at me over his shoulder and grins.  The sayings we grew up with, LOL...We get back to the school, and the kids are at their first station already.  We walk around with them, help them with their relays, and have a lot of fun.  At the final station, where the kids were blowing bubbles, the kids thought it would be A.W.E.S.O.M.E. to give Jonathan's Daddy a bubble bath.  They proceeded to use their bubble wands full of suds to rub up and down his arms and legs and cover him in bubbles.  Hubs would randomly proclaim "OH.  Thanks for my bubble bath."  Which would lead the kids into a chorus of giggles.  He's such a kid :wink:  and overall, he was a hit with the class!  We checked JJ out and headed home.  We get inside, and JJ says "I'm so tired.  Can I just put on my jammies and then do my homework?  I don't even want to go outside to play today!!!"  And that's exactly what he did.  He got his jammies on, I got my jammies on, and we sat on the couch and got him homework done.  We were all wore out!  The sun, exercise, sun, bubbles, was just tiring. 
     Thursday we got JJ off to school, and then Hubs and I ran some errands.  We dropped his car off at the mechanic; his ABS light had turned on, and then his check engine light came back on.  We had just had that fixed, so they were going to check that for us and check the brake system.  We had a few things to pick up before the weekend.  We also wanted to check on the bikes.  (JJ busted his tire right after Spring Break, so he has been without a bike.)  Off we head to walmart.  We found the size bike we needed, so we went ahead and picked it up.  It's an early birthday present because we didn't want him to wait over a month for a new bike when he had only been practicing without his training wheels for two weeks.  We got home, put it in the garage to surprise JJ, and waited around for the phone call for Hubs car.  I went to pick JJ up, and when I got home, Hubs had called to check on his car, and it was "next"  BOOO.  We dropped his car off at 10:45,and it was after 3 at this point.  Our bad for waiting so long.  We do homework, JJ gets his hour of game time, and Hubs phone rings.  Turns out that "something" (we are assuming squirrel because we have a lot around here) chewed through his wiring and led his car to believe the ABS was out...which in turn led to the check engine light coming on.  They replaced the wiring, we had a good laugh, and it was time to let JJ know about the bike.  Hubs asked JJ if he wanted to go ride bikes together, and JJ got all sad and said "My bike is tore up, remember?  I busted out my tire by going too fast."  (it was so stinkin' cute!)  Hubs asked "Are you sure?  Let's look in the garage."  He opens the door, JJ pushes his way through, and there sits his awesome new bike.  He comes tearing back into the house hollering. "YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY" and starts running in circles.  So.Funny.  He and Hubs ride their bikes for a while.  JJ exclaims that he will never play video games again because he will always want to ride his bike outside!!!!

While they were riding, I talked to Mommy to verify our plans for the weekend.  Hubs and I had decided to spend the last "job-free" weekend with Momma and Grandmutter.  Plus we were going to take JJ roller skating for the first time....

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