Monday, March 5, 2012

It's Just Another Manic Monday

I wish it was Sunday...

     Today was a highly emotional day.  It seems that my body knew  that my emotions were getting the best of me way before my brain or even my heart knew.  I woke this morning and got JJ ready for school.  Then it seemed that I started eating...I ate croissants for breakfast...then I had a fudge popsicle about an hour later.  Not that much longer after that, I had chimichangas for lunch, then pretzels and a banana.  I felt like I couldn't stop eating.  I was hungry.  My stomach was growling.  But my brain knew that it was just my emotions taking over.  I am fully aware that I am an emotional eater.  I have been doing my absolute best not to fall into the slump of just eating my worries away...stuffing myself silly. 
     Knitting and crocheting has helped along with working a puzzle.  Today I caught up on a few things Hubs had recorded on dvr for me.  I watched a Disney original movie, Radio Rebel and an episode of Mobbed.  I talked with my sister on the phone for a bit.  Hubs and I had an emotional conversation.  I cried a lot of tears.  Maybe it was just time for them to come out. 
     I still haven't talked to anyone but family on the phone.  Just not ready for that step yet.  I did well on Saturday, being around everyone.  Baby steps.  We will get back into our normal routine...whatever normal is now, right?  Momma's friend said it best "Normal will never be the same."  or something similar...
      I have two appointments on Wednesday.  First with the OB; I had been told to schedule an appointment so that they could check my platelet count and my blood pressure.  I am hoping that my blood pressure is doing well so that I can be prescribed a birth control.  I was told at the hospital that the Pill wouldn't be a good choice unless my blood pressure was under control because the estrogen could cause blood clots and stroke.  They wanted to put me on something more long term, but since we are hoping to start trying again within a year, it wouldn't be worth the trouble of getting started on something like the depo shot or the mirena.  Those are more long-term; like something if we wanted to wait 3-5 years before trying again.  Second I have an appointment with a hemotologist;  I suppose they are also going to take blood to check my platelets and to discuss with me if it's a pregnancy related occurance or if I have an autoimmune disorder.  (I do know that when my platelets were low with my first pregnancy, they did further testing to check for lupus and leukemia and both had come back negative.  It was decided that it was pregnancy induced ITP.)  This time, the dr's mentioned an autoimmune disorder where basically my white blood cells attack my platelets;  this goes through cycles...where my count will increase and decrease....OR if it *IS* pregnancy related, to be aware that with each pregnancy, it will probably get worse.  (If I had been informed earlier in my pregnancy, then I could have been taking prednisone to increase my counts, and I wouldn't have had to be in the hospital for so long.)
     I know this isn't long;  emotional days are draining.  Good Night, Loveys...

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